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Rolling Pin Alien Hive
Rolling Pin Alien Hive
Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties.
Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.
Length: 14,50 cm (5’5 inches)
Diameter: 2,5cm (1 inch)
1. Properly mix the putty/clay until ready according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
2. Extend the putty/clay on a surface to be textured. For optimal results, make sure you have got a smooth and even surface before impressing with the Rolling Pins. *** We recommend using a plain Rolling Pin for this.
3. Depending on the type of putty/clay, it is advisable to wet the Rolling Pin to prevent any sticking.
4. Slowly move the Rolling Pin applying equal pressure at all points for an even texture.
5. Trim any excess putty/clay with a sharp knife. It is recommended to do this once it has dried to avoid any deformations in the putty/clay.